Bidrrr for Contractors
Bid Jobs Easily
Bidrrr offers more opportunities to bid jobs and creates an environment where fair pricing, quality work and timeliness is rewarded. The blind bid process levels the playing field and allows you to compete more based on the merit of your work and less on “who you know”. Tracking progress and communicating with the agent or asset manager is simple and quick. This reduces miscommunication and helps ensure that the final product meets the client’s expectations. If the job is awarded to another contractor, you receive immediate feedback and analytics to help you with future bids.
- Levels the Playing Field
- Increases the Flow of Opportunities
- Improves Win/Loss Ratio Through Analytics
- Streamline Communications and Collaborations
Levels the Playing Field
Increase the Flow of Opportunities
Improves Win/Loss Ratio Through Analytics
Streamline Communications and Collaborations